Gay pirn comics

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“It will be interesting to see him not only trying to find himself as a person but a global superhero in the complex atmosphere of modern life.” “It is a pretty big deal doing it with Jon Kent as Superman … I hope this kind of thing will not be seen as a big deal in the future,” artist John Timms told IGN. This news is not for the traditional iteration of Clark Kent, but instead his 17-year-old son, Jon, who has taken up his father’s mantle. It’s a brand new day for the man of steel.Ĭontinuing a recent trend of comic book characters coming out as LGBTQ, Superman is now confirmed to be bisexual and on the fight for global social issues, according to the DC team behind the character, who spoke to IGN. ‘The Batman’ earns $128M at box office in year’s biggest opening weekendįarrah Forke, ‘Wings’ and ‘Lois & Clark’ star, dead at 54

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Neal Adams, legendary comic book creator and Batman artist, dead at 80 Henry Cavill’s zodiac sign reveals monster superpowers of ‘The Witcher’

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